Why LC5
LC5 home page was created by owners Cartcom. Cartcom are Cumbria leading computer repair specialists that deal in a wide range of computer services. The reason behind LC5 was because many of our customers we have carried out repairs for are not sure about computers and need a little guidance. LC5 is the first port of call when one of our customers accesses the Internet. Our customers use LC5 for their main homepage. Cartcom regularly provide news, downloads, security and advice for free. Customers can also reach Cartcom directly from the site and chat live using our chat software.
Cartcom also publish links to websites, email clients, social networks & recommended shopping sites. Running the web server behind LC5 is an expensive operation; this is why we have introduced adverts on the site. Advertisers will purchase ad space from us. This will enable us to grow the LC5 home page and fund its existence.
Please feel free to contact me if you think of something that I could add to the site. I am only too pleased to customise the site you my customer’s preference.
If you are wondering why the site, is called LC5. Well it basically stands for my name, Lee Cartwright then a random number 5 J I have owned the name for over 12 years and never really used it until now.
Thanks again to all my customers using the site I hope it helps you.